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Directline Assurance Application
Directline Assurance

Manage your premiums easily from the palm of your hand. Download our app to get started…

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PSV Motor Vehicle

options include:

  • Comprehensive,
    Third Party
  • Bus, Matatu, Taxi,
    Car Hire
  • Monthly, Annual

Commercial Motor Vehicle

options include:

  • Own Goods,
    General Cartage
  • Tankers, Trailers,
    Prime Movers
  • Third Party Only

Private Motor Vehicle

benefits include:

  • Third Party
    Bodily Injury
  • Third Party
    Property Damage
  • Flexible Payment

Our Promise

Our Promise

We will settle your claim promptly and protect you from liabilities incurred. Get insured at value for your money.

Happy Clients

“A heartfelt thank you for the prompt service and responsiveness”


Putting You First

Putting you first

Give our friendly team a call. We will take you through your options, happily answer any questions, and get your PSV, commercial or private vehicle covered.

Happy Clients

“I like the efficiency and the friendly attitude that is offered by Directline”


Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Our priority is to keep you going. Day in, day out our experienced professionals are supported by highly advanced systems to keep our services running smoothly.

Happy Clients

“We like the options of products and services, and the Directline team are always helpful”

Rangers Insurance Agency, Embu


in Motor Insurance


Branches Countrywide


Annual Gross Turnover